Meet me and the mr

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday morning fun!!

Okay ... I am not going to be an everyday blogger, but i thought it would be important to share one of my new goals: To get in shape, lose weight, and be healthier!!

I have never been the fittest girl. I have always struggled with my weight all of my life. It use to be that my weight was 10-15-20 lbs over what it should be...currently I am easily 40 lbs overweight (obese as my dr says). Now, i am not mad at my dr for using that word. She has used it for at least 2 years now, while politely telling me that I do not look obese, but my actual weight puts me into that category. I agree that i do not look like what I think "obese" looks like. For the past 2 years i just didn't seem to get it, or maybe i didn't care, either way my exercise routine consisted of leisurely walking and the occasional use the the Shake-Weight that my roommate and I own. I was well aware of my weight and in September became aware of the fact that at the age of 28 i had a blood pressure level that was pretty high. NOT GOOD!! In October I got engaged and it finally hit was no longer about me, but it was now about me living and being healthy for myself, for Charles, for our familes, and for the children we hope to one day have. I did not want to put myself at risk for a hard pregnancy, heart disease, and I certainly do not want to look like a marshmellow on my wedding day. It was time to change my habits....but it was the holidays :( I easily put on 7lbs over Thanksgiving and Christmas so I set myself up to begin my transformation after New Year's (at this time I was 50lbs overweight). This would not be a "resolution" because those never stick, but instead i would label it a goal (one of many) and I decided to literally change my life...and so it began....

January 4th was Day 1...South Beach Diet became my new eating lifestyle (as i like to call it). Carbs make me feel sluggish anyways (and the bloating...ick) and i LOVE LOVE LOVE my veggies and leans meats - HELLO FISH AND SEAFOOD!!! I will, and have already, begin to work the good carbs back in my diet, but really, is anything that's just plain white good for you? Probably not!  Within a week i had already lost around 6lbs-basically taken off the weight i had gained at Christmas. In terms of weight, i am down about 14lbs from the beginning of the month. Now for my workout...basically i started picking it up at the gym and actually sweating. I am in the gym at least 4 days a week, but getting a good workout in 5 days a week. And then there is the running. Like i have already mentioned i began the C25K program last night. I have NEVER run so much as a half a mile ... so to run 3 ... this will begin a series of HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENTS for me ... and better yet, I am already LOVING running! I feel so awesome when i'm done! Plus my longterm goal is to run in the Tybee Half Marathon next year. So, i will keep you all updated  as this journey progresses. I am lucky to have Ms. Brandi Nell the Southern Belle rooting me on, along with other great friends. But most importantly, that man who is brave enough to marry me, he is my biggest cheerleader. He was up with me at 5:30 this morning to workout with me since i can't workout tonight. I know i can get through anything with him and God by my's time i started taking better care of this temple the Lord provided me anyways, don't you think??

~M. Johnson :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Meet my family

Happy Monday all!! I know, i'm sure no one is happy its Monday, i know i rarely am, BUT I am excited to write another blog post. After an 8am doctor's appointment, (great way to start the week, right?) I thought I might first introduce you to my little family.

First there is Charles, a brave man, who has decided he wants to marry me. We always joke that we will be together "forever and ever, til we rot", ha ha ha! I love this man with all of my heart and I cannot wait to be his bride! I am lucky to have him.

A few things about Charles, he also goes by the nickname-Chuck, and he is a golf professional at a private golf club in Bluffton, SC. He loves golf, golf, golf, and Appalachian State University. We do have some issues with the whole Georgia Southern v. App State rivalry, but i figure if that's our biggest problem, then we are doing just fine :) One thing about Charles that will become very apparent as these blogs continue...he is my biggest supporter and during every bad moment and every weak moment he is there, encouraging me, and reminding me that he loves me. What more could a girl ask for? Here he is:

Then there are our children..."my boys" as i call them. I'll introduce you to Teddy first. He also goes by Tedster, Theodore, and Ted. He is my 5 year old, 21 lb, black and white Shih Tzu. He was all the man I needed until Charles came along. He is my independent, vocal, inquisitive, and hilarious child!! It is amazing how dogs can know when you are sad, happy, mad, delighted, etc. Teddy and Charles have really bonded, and sometimes daddy is chosen over mommy when it's snuggle time. It's okay with me though :)  Here is my fuzzy man:
Camping trip Ted got some sand spurs caught in his hair...Dad to the rescue!!

Last but certainly not least is Remington, Charles' 100 lb, yellow lab of love! Remidog as we affectionately call him, is a gentle giant, and never met a stranger or anyone he did not like.It seems the only thing he will howl at is a passing firetruck, ha ha ha, sweet boy! Remidog is 6 years old and sometimes it shows :( He has, recently, begun to have seizures. They are almost 2 months apart and when he has one they can last a little while. It breaks Charles' heart (he seems to always be there when it happens) and mine, but we are working with the vet to see how to handle them...for the moment it's valium and rest. The best thing about Remidog is: he and Ted are the best of friends and no one messes with Ted while Rem is around! They sleep together and play together and eat together, they really love being together. Here is some proof!

 Well, this is my little family...3 boys and me. For the time being i would not have it any other way. I am sure you all will get to know them all very well as i blog about my life.

In other news: I am beginning the Couch to 5K program today...wish me luck. I have never run a 1 mile before, let alone 3. I know i can do this, and i definitely have the will to do so, it's just still a daunting idea. Me? Run a 5K? or even worse Run a Half Marathon in 2013?? The latter is a promise i have made to one of my besties Brandi, as she is running her first half marathon this coming weekend. I can do it, i can do it, i can do it! If there ever was a time, it is now...a wedding coming (gotta look good), a future family to have, and a future of "forever and ever, 'til we rot" to get through :) So here we go!!

~M. Johnson :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let me introduce myself

Hey all...

Let me introduce myself. My name is Meghan Johnson, although in a short 10 months my name will become Meghan Fox. I would be lying if i said i wasn't a little bit excited about the new last name...but i am certainly nothing like the celebrity, Megan Fox. Now, i do not know her personally, but I am not an actress, i do not have that bangin' body, you will not find my picture on countless college dorm rooms, and I am not marrying Brian Austin Green.

I am a 28 year old, hospitality professional, living in Savannah, GA. Originally from the BIG city of Atlanta, i traded in I-285 and I-75 for  I-16 and US 17. Quite possibly America's Most Beautiful City (at least in my and many others opinions), I have the opportunity to sell Savannah to the many tourists, groups, and businesses that wish to visit. Home to amazing Live Oak Trees, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Paula Deen, and the country's 2nd largest St. Patrick's Day Parade, Savannah is truly one of a kind and I am blessed to live and work here!

Anywho...enough bragging on Savannah...i do that everyday...about me..I am 28, like i said. I have an amazing mother and amazing father and a pretty rockin' little sister. My parents have been married for 29 years and still live in the house i grew up in. My baby sister, is 25, recently relocated to New York City, and is living her dream. As a family we are incredibly blessed!! We all work very hard for everything we have and are lucky to have never really been in need for anything. I met my future husband in April of 2011 from an online dating company ... yes, online dating can work, but i'll get to that in a later post. He is truly everything i always knew i wanted and needed, but was afraid to let myself have. I will tell you more about him as I get more comfortable with this whole blogging thing.

This is my first blog and my goal is fairly simple...I want to share with people the next year (or more) of my life. I feel as the first 27.5 years of my life were great, fun, and truly important. With the lessons of those years, I want to spend the next 365 days shaping what I want the next 27.5+ years will be and need to be. AND i want to share it all with you, my old and new friends! There will be bumps along the way, but also lots of fun! I do have a wedding to plan too :)  I have never been so motivated to be healthy, happy, and focused and i am determined to meet my goals! So i hope you will all come along with me, read my blogs, and assist me on this journey. I'm gonna need a lot of help and I'm definitely looking forward to it :)

~M. Johnson :)