Meet me and the mr

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Happy Wednesday everyone! I have been slack the last week or so about my blog...sorry :( It has been quite a busy couple of days...okay it's been a busy 10 days! I am exhausted, but alas there is no rest for the least not yet.

My future sister-in-law, Jessica, her husband, Brent, and their sweet daughter Emma came to visit twice last week. The first time they were here was on Valentine's day! This was my and Charles' first Valentine's Day, but seeing as I am not 100% into the holiday, there was really no better way for me to spend the day than with my new family. Plus...I was so stinkin' excited about hanging out with Emma. She turned 1 in October and she is just the sweetest thing! I love that Jess and Brent call me Aunt Meghan. I am really lucky to have such fantastic in-laws. Jess, Brent, and Emma left the morning of the 15th and then returned early afternoon on Saturday the 18th. It was a NASTY day in Bluffton, so we went bowling. We had a blast, even between all taking turns holding Emma and bowling pretty horribly, ha ha ha ha! Seafood dinner after and then off to bed! Of course wedding details were discussed. There is just so much excitement and I just can't wait to be a part of this family.

i LOVE this face!!! sweet, sweet Emma

I also have 2 big work trips coming  up. On Sunday, i leave for Hickory, NC, Asheville, NC and then on to Greenville/Spartanburg, SC on sales calls. 2 days after i get back i will jump on a plane and head to Louisville, KY for the Travel South show. I will make sure to bring back lots of pics.

Sometimes i feel like i don't have time to breathe!! On top of traveling and visitor's, I have also been in the process of moving. The lease was up and it was time to move, so move i did...probably not the best timing, but when it needs to be done you have to do it, right? So needless to say, it's been a little crazy and hectic! Luckily, today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. As a United Methodist, I have always observed Lent and the Ash Wednesday Service of atonement. Lent respresents the 40 days and 40 nights leading up to Easter, where some Christians believe that they need to give up something as a fast (just as Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before fulfilling the Prophecy). I am not sure if i am going to give up something or just promise to keep up the changes i have begun to make (healthy eating, running, being organized). I'm going to think about this today and get back to you.

I hope everyone has a blessed Ash Wednesday and now it's back to preparing for my trips...

~M. Johnson :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Well happy Saturday evening everyone!!! It has been quite the week since i last wrote. Engagement pictures have been taken, edited, and received and I LOVE THEM!!! See the bottom of this post to see some of the fantastic pictures. Our photographer is Michael Edde and he owns Beacon Photo: He is phenomenal and makes Charles and me feel so comfortable. I think this definitely shows in our photos. I cannot wait until our wedding and before that, my bridal session :)

I also had a super busy week at work and was in Memphis, TN, Tuesday-Thursday. Most of the time, i do not get to really see the cities i visit for work and this trip was no exception. I got to see the conference center and the Marriott hotel. Don't get me wrong, both were very nice, but i do wish i could get out and really experience the places i visit. I did get to see Graceland though! This is HUGE for me! My mothers is quite the Elvis fan, and so by default I am an Elvis fanatic! Graceland is tackier than i imagined and truly fit for the King of Rock and Roll! Check this out:

It really was an amazing site. The rest of the conference went well, and I feel like i promoted Savannah to the best of my ability.

In other news, I finished week 2 of the Couch to 5K program! This is SUCH AN ACCOMPLISHMENT for me! I feel great and i am actually excited for week 3. Blood pressure continues to lower, my pants continue to fit and look better and i am super excited about this journey i have begun.

Savannah/Bluffton is pretty chilly this Saturday evening. There is a cold front that is moving in, so instead of the broiled fish i was going to make, i'm making chili :) It's a cold weather favorite! I usually use ground beef, but i have lowered the amount of red meat i eat, so ground turkey it is :) My 2 extra ingredients are turkey sausage (like kielbasa, sp?) and about a half a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Not sure what it is, but that cocoa powder makes the chili absolutely to die for! I hope that you all have a perfect Saturday night and that you are staying warm! I know I am :) Enjoy some of my engagement pics below and I will talk to you soon.

~M. Johnson :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone!!!

It has been quite the week/weekend for me and Charles! The week was awesome! I finished week 1 of Couch to 5 K..woo hoo! Yay me! I know it is a small step, but it is a small step to a big goal for me. Charles and I have decided that we will run the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure in April. I am aimed to finished Couch to 5K the end of March, so this will be perfect timing for my first 5K :) AND Charles has agreed to run it with me (at my pace)  ha ha ha, he'll be walking!!  Oh and along with the C25K, I was up and in the gym by 5:45am twice this week. I really want to be in the gym first thing in the AM at least half the week. I admit, 5am SUCKS, but i feel so much better throughout the day and week.

Friday night, Charles and I stayed in and didn't do too much.

Saturday was a phenomenal day!! The Tybee Island Critz Half Harathon was held Saturday morning and i have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR friends running their first 13.1!! They all finished in AMAZING time and I could not be more proud or excited for them!!! This is the race that i have set for myself to run next year, so having them finish and not be in too much pain after is a HUGE encouragement to me.

Today, Sunday, Charles and I ventured to early service together for the first time. 8:45 am can make you forget things, like my Bibly being left in the pew. Thank goodness the minister, Karen (who is actually marrying us), found it and has it safely in the church office. After church we got in a quick workout then it was time to get ready for our Engagement Session with Beacon Photo! We had a GREAT time with Michael Edde and i can't wait to share some of the photos with you all!! We were able to incorporate the dogs and some cute crafty things i had made :) Oh and there is a cute little surprise for our GSU and App State friends!!

Well that is all for now :) I just wanted to give you an update on my week. I will share some of the engagement pis when i get them!

~M. Johnson :)