Meet me and the mr

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Happy Wednesday everyone! I have been slack the last week or so about my blog...sorry :( It has been quite a busy couple of days...okay it's been a busy 10 days! I am exhausted, but alas there is no rest for the least not yet.

My future sister-in-law, Jessica, her husband, Brent, and their sweet daughter Emma came to visit twice last week. The first time they were here was on Valentine's day! This was my and Charles' first Valentine's Day, but seeing as I am not 100% into the holiday, there was really no better way for me to spend the day than with my new family. Plus...I was so stinkin' excited about hanging out with Emma. She turned 1 in October and she is just the sweetest thing! I love that Jess and Brent call me Aunt Meghan. I am really lucky to have such fantastic in-laws. Jess, Brent, and Emma left the morning of the 15th and then returned early afternoon on Saturday the 18th. It was a NASTY day in Bluffton, so we went bowling. We had a blast, even between all taking turns holding Emma and bowling pretty horribly, ha ha ha ha! Seafood dinner after and then off to bed! Of course wedding details were discussed. There is just so much excitement and I just can't wait to be a part of this family.

i LOVE this face!!! sweet, sweet Emma

I also have 2 big work trips coming  up. On Sunday, i leave for Hickory, NC, Asheville, NC and then on to Greenville/Spartanburg, SC on sales calls. 2 days after i get back i will jump on a plane and head to Louisville, KY for the Travel South show. I will make sure to bring back lots of pics.

Sometimes i feel like i don't have time to breathe!! On top of traveling and visitor's, I have also been in the process of moving. The lease was up and it was time to move, so move i did...probably not the best timing, but when it needs to be done you have to do it, right? So needless to say, it's been a little crazy and hectic! Luckily, today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. As a United Methodist, I have always observed Lent and the Ash Wednesday Service of atonement. Lent respresents the 40 days and 40 nights leading up to Easter, where some Christians believe that they need to give up something as a fast (just as Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before fulfilling the Prophecy). I am not sure if i am going to give up something or just promise to keep up the changes i have begun to make (healthy eating, running, being organized). I'm going to think about this today and get back to you.

I hope everyone has a blessed Ash Wednesday and now it's back to preparing for my trips...

~M. Johnson :)

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