Meet me and the mr

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let me introduce myself

Hey all...

Let me introduce myself. My name is Meghan Johnson, although in a short 10 months my name will become Meghan Fox. I would be lying if i said i wasn't a little bit excited about the new last name...but i am certainly nothing like the celebrity, Megan Fox. Now, i do not know her personally, but I am not an actress, i do not have that bangin' body, you will not find my picture on countless college dorm rooms, and I am not marrying Brian Austin Green.

I am a 28 year old, hospitality professional, living in Savannah, GA. Originally from the BIG city of Atlanta, i traded in I-285 and I-75 for  I-16 and US 17. Quite possibly America's Most Beautiful City (at least in my and many others opinions), I have the opportunity to sell Savannah to the many tourists, groups, and businesses that wish to visit. Home to amazing Live Oak Trees, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Paula Deen, and the country's 2nd largest St. Patrick's Day Parade, Savannah is truly one of a kind and I am blessed to live and work here!

Anywho...enough bragging on Savannah...i do that everyday...about me..I am 28, like i said. I have an amazing mother and amazing father and a pretty rockin' little sister. My parents have been married for 29 years and still live in the house i grew up in. My baby sister, is 25, recently relocated to New York City, and is living her dream. As a family we are incredibly blessed!! We all work very hard for everything we have and are lucky to have never really been in need for anything. I met my future husband in April of 2011 from an online dating company ... yes, online dating can work, but i'll get to that in a later post. He is truly everything i always knew i wanted and needed, but was afraid to let myself have. I will tell you more about him as I get more comfortable with this whole blogging thing.

This is my first blog and my goal is fairly simple...I want to share with people the next year (or more) of my life. I feel as the first 27.5 years of my life were great, fun, and truly important. With the lessons of those years, I want to spend the next 365 days shaping what I want the next 27.5+ years will be and need to be. AND i want to share it all with you, my old and new friends! There will be bumps along the way, but also lots of fun! I do have a wedding to plan too :)  I have never been so motivated to be healthy, happy, and focused and i am determined to meet my goals! So i hope you will all come along with me, read my blogs, and assist me on this journey. I'm gonna need a lot of help and I'm definitely looking forward to it :)

~M. Johnson :)


  1. #1, don't look at my blog b/c it hasn't been touched in forever :) #2, I think this is a GREAT way for you to relieve some stress that the wedding planning will bring! And I always love reading anything about you - and given we don't always "talk" talk - I am looking forward to the upcoming days of "Mrs. Fox" :D LOVE YOU!

  2. YAY! Great job! I am so looking forward to reading about your journey in wedding planning and all the other exciting stuff you have going on. Welcome to the blog world. Also, you will learn that blogging and tweeting go hand-in-hand. HAVE FUN!
