Meet me and the mr

Monday, August 13, 2012

3 more months...

Happy Monday ... ha, yeah right. Does anyone actually mean that when they say it? Happy's another start to another work week with another long list of "to-dos." I know that after my last post i was going to be followed up with more of my thoughts regarding my views of the state of the world and such but I decided to keep it to myself. I did share some of my thoughts in that short blog, but other than that I spent a lot of time talking to Charles, my parents, and God about the way i felt and how sad i was about certain current events. I just don't see a place for hate in my life, and i try to avoid it, but when it is thrown in my face from every imaginable corner I will react. I strive every day to love and be loved and share God's love. I fail, i know this, but i am never hateful and i respect everyone's opinions. I did not say i agree, but i do respect their right to their opinion and that is all i can do. I know that this short statement does not tell you what opinion I have about events...i don't know if this is the i don't know if it matters, especially since it is my opinion and has no bearing on how i feel about those in my life. I have friends of all faiths, orientations, and races. We don't always agree with each other, it happens, that is life, but i love them regardless.

Anywho...moving on. Mucho excitement with the Johnsons and Foxes. Friday, August 10th was the official 3 month mark til the wedding!! Woo hoo! I am so excited :) I say it almost every day, i would marry the man (Charles) tomorrow in a court house, but i am so looking forward to the celebration with family and friends! We had our first shower 2 weeks ago in Boone, NC. The congregation at First Baptist is easily the most generous group of people i have ever met. They truly love Charles and his family and reinforced my knowledge of how lucky I am to becoming a member of their family. Charles and I are incredibly blessed!

This weekend, I went home to Atlanta to address envelopes, glue ribbon, and put together the invitations with my mom. I made the trip alone (which was fine because Charles would have been bored out of his mind). It was a non-stop event. Today I am sore, like really sore, in my lower back and hips, but i feel like a champion that my mom and I were able to get it all done! They are all (all 142 of them) put together, sealed and stamped. What an accomplishment!! It helps that my mom and i are are pretty much control freaks, so we have the ability to just lay out a plan, sit, and get it done. Here is a sneak peak!

Also, while i was home I got to see my best friend's new baby. His name is Roman, he is just over a month old, and he is perfect! I joke with his mom (Josie) that she has been replaced and that he is my new best friend. I could just love on him and shower him with kisses all the time. That moment when i have to give him that last little kiss and put him in his little romper roo thing breaks my heart. These are the moments i miss since we live far away. He is just the most perfect tiny thing ever and what a stud! Check out his hair...seriously, a lady killer!

Now, to a personal "YAY" moment. While i am not quite ready to share my weight with you...oh well who we go. When i started my weight-loss/running journey it was January, the holidays had just ended, and i was fat. I easily weighed around 205 and that is the largest i have ever been. I do not have a large frame, so extra weight is easy to see and more than that, easy to feel. It effected everything. Well i have been working hard: running (i did a 5K in less than 45 minutes last week...woohoo) and eating correctly. 75% of my diet is easily veggies (with a little fruit), with the rest being lean meats, LOTS of seafood, and healthy carbs (on occasion). My weight is down around 40 pounds and it keeps dropping.

At my desk, i have the below piece of paper taped to the wall. I read it every day and it honestly, really helps keep me focused on the things i do from a day to day basis and the things that i choose to put in my mouth. I encourage anyone who might be trying to create a new life plan, to keep your "strategies" taped where you can see them every single day! It makes a world of difference!!

For you enjoyment, below is a pick of my sweet babies during a storm...what chickens! But aren't they just adorable??

Well that is all for now folks. I am glad i have been able to catch you up a little on what has been going on. My goal really is to make this blog a priority...i need to. It is good for my soul and my mind! As we really begin to gear up for the wedding, i know time will be tight, but i look forward to sharing as much of the excitement as possible!

~M. Johnson :) :)


  1. WOOO! So proud of you, friend! Good stuff mentally, emotionally, and physically! xoxo

  2. Thanks Bran! It is certainly a long road, but definitely fun and exciting, and much happier!!
